Nous travaillons sur Québec Ouvert
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It’s a great event! Please come and meet active designers, hackers, and citizens from around Montreal and hear Montreal Ouvert speak!

A unique kind of meeting with the design community
20 images x 20 seconds x come to be inspired !

Wednesday, March 09th, 2011
Doors @ 19:20
Presentations @ 20:20
Society for Arts and Technology [SAT]
1201 Saint-Laurent
5 $

PechaKucha nights are unique happenings providing a public forum for new ideas. Creative thinkers from every discipline present the approaches to and concepts behind projects that have been completed, are underway or that they are still dreaming about. The format is simple: each participant presents 20 images and comments on each one for 20 seconds.

///////// GUEST LIST /////////
Note to readers
1 .- Some details of the guest list could change.
2 .- The final order of presentations will be announced the same evening

00 – Marie Brassard / Théâtre & performance : “Éloge de l’obscurité” – Infrarouge [ ]

00 – Olivier Lapierre / Intervention urbaine : “Parc éphémère Pigeon Hole” – Projet Friche et Célèbre [ ]

00 – Jonathan Brun and Jean-Noé Landry / Initiative populaire & Citizen’s action group : “Montréal Ouvert” [ + Twitter: @mtlouvert ]

00 – Olivier Bourgeois / Architecture : ” Architecture de mer” [ ]

00 – James McKinney & others / Données ouvertes (open source), développement du web et des communautés : “Patiner Montréal” [ ]

00 – Fady Atallah / Nouveau Media – Blusponge [ ]

00 – Chevalier Morales architectes / Architectes [ ]

00 – Francis Rollin / Designer et entrepreneur : “Concevoir et réaliser des choses” – Atelier 3/4 Fort [ ]

00 – Julien Vallée / Design Motion [ ]

00 – Douglas Moffat / Architecte paysager et artiste sonore : “A Built Sound” ]

00 – Sylvain Carle & John Stokes / “Home of the Web : Notman House” [ ]

00 – Christophe Billebaud / Montreal Couture & Style & Conscience : “Une mode co-créative 2.0 ” – Style&Conscience [ ]

///////// Intro, Inter & Outro /////////
DJ THERMOS [Marc-André Mignault]
VJ Choco-Beets [Caroline Blais]

PechaKucha Montreal can also be found on…


//// Big thanks to our friends at ////
Société des arts technologiques [SAT]
DeuxPointsD 😀