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Thursday 13

Open data hackathon Montreal


Get your tickets here.


Mark your calendars! Montréal Ouvert is proud to invite you to the third Montreal Open Data Hackathon on Saturday, November 19th. The last two hackathons brought together more than 100 developers, designers, bureaucrats, community organisers, business people, and academics as well as other engaged citizens. Montréal needs your involvement to make this the best hackathon yet! Whether you have an idea for a new project or want to help out on an existing project, you are more than welcome – no technical skills needed.

Open data based applications have been a thundering success in Montréal. has helped over 50 000 drivers navigate Montréal road construction, has guided over 17 000 skaters to their favourite rinks, has helped over 75 000 patrons find a clean restaurant and has allowed more than 600 citizens create their version of the budget. Your application or idea could be the next big thing for Montrealers!

To help organise ideas and talent, please post project ideas, datasets or other comments on the UserVoice found here.

The MontréalOuvert team will be on site and is always more than happy to guide you to a great project and answer all of your questions about open data.

We have had a lot of success in our discussions with the city over the last year and will hopefully have news to share. Join us on November 19th to show them that there is a demand for open data among Montrealers. We are hoping to obtain new data sets from the city for this occasion.

Two types of tickets are offered:

1. Free
2. With a Breakfast, T-Shirt, Coffee and lunch for only 30$.

Please make sure to grab a ticket so we can adequately plan for the event.


Saturday, November 19th, 2011.

09 h 30 : Arrival
10 h 00 : Creation of working teams
13 h 00 : Lunch
17 h 30 : Presentations of projects
18 h 00 : Drinks at a local bar


To be determined.